How to sell feet pics on craigslist ? Ease down in 5 simple steps

There are many websites to sell feet pics online, and craigslist is one of them. Don’t know how to sell feet pics on craigslist? Then this guide is going to assist in introducing you to craigslist step by step.

Looking for a way to make money with your feet pics?

Are you looking for how to take pictures of your feet, some of the best poses and tips for a good shot, and get feet pics into high demand?

I shared many tips on how to take good foot pictures to sell. You can quickly sell your foot picture online.

Selling feet picture is the best way to make money fast as a kid.

There are plenty of ways to sell them, but they all come with their pros and cons. The answer lies within you.

Feet are beautiful things, aren’t they?

Everyone would love to have those perfect, long legs and gorgeous arches. But that’s not always possible.

Sometimes you might want to give up on the idea since you don’t even consider yourself having pretty feet.

But with the rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, selling your pictures online has become more accessible.

Now, instead of posting these photos only to show off at parties or barbecues, you can easily create a web page where you can sell feet pics without getting scammed.

Learn- How to sell feet pics without getting scammed.

What is craigslist?

Craigslist is an American-based classified advertising company that operates in almost every region and 70 countries.

Craigslist was founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark. It works in 7 different languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

Craigslist has independent sections for jobs, sales, housing, services, and items wanted.

Here, you can sell or buy anything. And paid job ads are the primary source of Craigslist revenue.

Craigslist has its IOS and android app also. So, just post your ad here and start earning today.

Who buys foot pics on craigslist?

People who buy foot pics generally have some sort of fetish about feet. I’m unsure what their obsession is, but I know they love looking at their feet.

Foot pics may seem strange, but I think they’re fantastic! You can find them online at places such as eBay and Craigslist.

Craigslist feet pics are being used for business advertisement, any practice.

Many buy foot pictures as a novel or quirky gifts for birthdays, holidays, or other occasions. Others use them as inspiration when creating their artwork or writing poetry.

Some people buy feet pictures to use as dating or inspirational material- as they believe seeing someone else enjoy them will increase their enjoyment.

Others buy them for medical purposes, such as stress relief or rehabilitation after an injury.

There are plenty of creative uses for foot pictures outside of adult entertainment!

So, now let’s come to the next point how to sell feet pics on craigslist

How to sell feet pics online on craigslist?

Many newbies interested in selling feet pics online don’t know how to sell feet pics on craigslist.

Don’t worry. This guide is the best place to stop for this query.

Selling feet pics is not a hard and fast thing on Craigslist.

Here are the steps you can follow to sell feet pics on craigslist. First, you must visit the craigslist website homepage and create a craigslist account to list your ad posts.

Click on my tab on the left and side upper corner. And it will pop up with a new window like this. This is the start of how to sell feet pics on Craigslist.

create account on craigslist to sell feet pics on craigslist

After creating your account now, you are good to go. Now you can click on create a posting on the left side upper corner of the homepage.

And this will open a new window where you can choose any type of your list as per your choice.

how to sell feet pics on craigslist

Here, you can choose any of them, but we sell foot pictures so that you can select the closest to it for sale by the owner.

And it will lead you to another list of a variety of products. You can choose from photos and videos.

After clicking on that, it will pop up a new window where you need to provide some information like your posting title and posting details like manufacture, condition, mobile number, postal code, city, email, and neighbors.

This is how to do a Craigslist ad.

  • All postings must have a title.
  • All postings must have a description.
  • Please supply a value for the ‘language of posting’ field.
  • Please choose an email privacy setting.
  • Please supply a postal (ZIP) code.
  • Please include a valid email address so we can send you a confirmation email. If you wish the email address to remain private, pick the appropriate option below the email field.

It looks like this –

how to sell feet pics on craigslist

If you make any mistake, then it will be in red. So, make it correct and click on continue. That’s it.

Now anyone interested in your product can contact you via mail or phone. Now you can get your buyer and make your deal happen.

How much can you earn to sell feet pics on craigslist?

How Much Can You Earn To Sell Feet Pics On Craigslist?

Well, this is the most askable question for any new seller. Here is my opinion as a feet pic seller.

Get traffic first-

I learned early on about selling pictures online that you will not make any money if you don’t get traffic.

So, the first step in making money from foot pictures is getting people interested in them.

And to do that, you need to have excellent quality pictures. That’s where I come into play because I’m an expert at taking amazing pictures. I’ve been doing it since high school, and I still take some pretty good ones now.

But even though I know how to take great pictures, they won’t mean anything unless someone sees them.

Post them to places with the highest exposure possible if you want to make money off your photographs.

So what kind of sites should you post your pictures to? Well, the best place to start is Craigslist.

There is no shortage of people looking to buy or sell things, and many people are willing to pay to advertise their items on Craigslist.

You could make thousands of dollars per month by posting pictures of your feet on Craigslist!

Quality photos-

If you’re serious about making money online, you shouldn’t spend hours trying to find potential customers.

Instead, you should focus on finding high-quality images and uploading them to the right places. Then, once you’ve done that, sit back and wait for the money to roll in.

But again, this varies depending on the type of picture you post. Many people spend more time trying to find buyers than taking and uploading images.

You may be wondering, though, how much you can make. In my experience, I’ve seen anywhere between $150-$300 a month.

Anyone can make a good living by selling foot pictures through professional modeling and social media channels.

Some tips to increase feet pics sell on craigslist

Create a Professional Posting

Once you have chosen your photo, create a posting that catches the eye of potential buyers.

Include as much information about your feet as possible. What color are they? Are they small? Does your nail polish match?

Do you wear heels often? When was the last time you got pedicures?

In addition, include things like where you bought them, how much they cost, and any special features (like buckles) that may catch anyone’s eye.

Ensure you link your profile page or website so people can check out more details about you.

Remember that everything counts; if you haven’t written anything, no one will know anything about you.

Have a good picture-

This is a simple tip, but it’s something I see people miss often. Having a great picture makes your listing stand out.

If you’re selling furniture, having a nice view of your couch or bed will make people want to buy it.

But if you have a terrible photo, no amount of text will save it. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your lighting is even and not overly bright. You don’t want anything casting shadows.
  • Keep the background clean. There should be nothing distracting the eye.
  • Your face should always be visible. People need to know who they are buying from.
  • Don’t use flash. It tends to wash out colors and make faces look sickly.
  • Take lots of pictures. You never know what will work.
  • Use a tripod. If you’re using a smartphone, try holding it steady with two hands.
  • Get close. You want to capture details about the item you’re selling.

Be creative! When looking at someone’s listing, I browse their pictures before reading the description.

So, take advantage of that. Think about how each photo could be different.

Maybe you could do some fun shots, like a close-up or a picture from above, or perhaps you could have them doing something funny.

Add lots of text-

If you’ve got a lot of pictures, you might think, “Why would anyone read my blurb?”

Well, chances are they won’t. But if you add text, you’ll get more exposure. And if you add enough text, you’ll attract buyers.

Try to write a brief paragraph about your item. Include any information you feel is necessary.

If you’re selling a table, make sure it says it fits under a dining room table. If you’re selling clothes, tell me if they’re casual or dressy.

Whatever you put in your listing, try to make it clear and concise.

Put your best foot forward-

When someone visits your listing, they will take a glance at your pictures.

So, ensure you put yourself in the best possible position in the pictures. You don’t need to spend money on fancy outfits, but make sure you look presentable.

Also, try to avoid smiling in the photos. It just looks fake. Instead, smile naturally and look interested in what you’re showing.

Get People To Like You

The final step to selling your feet on Craigslist is getting people to like you.

One way to do this is to share your posts on social networks. Share pictures and videos of your feet and your personal stories.

Let people know you’re a natural person, even if you’re just a woman trying to earn extra money online.

Ask questions about their lives and listen to their answers. Ask for advice and offer advice in return.

Hopefully, others will feel comfortable following suit and doing the same thing if you do this.

Is craigslist legit or a scam?

Craigslist is a very legit website to list jobs and post ads. You can find things to buy or sell in your city. It was started in 1995 and generated millions of dollars in revenue.

Is selling feet pictures on craigslist legal?

There are many different types of images that people take and sell online, and some of them have been illegal forever, while others have been legal for quite a while now.

People do things with their bodies that they may not want anyone else to see. However, if someone is willing to pay money for these images, then should they be illegal?

In today’s world, where everyone wants to look good and stand out from the crowd, having a body picture taken has become much more accessible than ever before.

However, just because something seems okay doesn’t mean it isn’t illegal. One thing that is commonly seen on the internet is selling pictures of people’s feet.

These pictures often show people standing on something, either a bed, chair, or even the ground.

It is obvious what they are doing since they are showing off their feet and not wearing any shoes, but why are they being sold?

As long as the person who took the picture gets paid, then why shouldn’t they be able to sell that image?

So, is selling pictures of people selling their feet legal? Well, I guess it depends on how old you are and whether or not you were photographed.

You could easily say it is legal for anyone over 18 years old because those pictures are legally theirs to keep.

It wouldn’t matter if you were underage or an adult when your picture was taken.

You were asked to cover yourself, evidence that nudity is wrong. Even though you weren’t naked, you still asked someone else to protect themselves.

Because you are older than 18, then you are free to buy and sell pictures of your feet, and you could make a lot of money.

Why should I sell my feet pictures on craigslist?

If you are older than 18, then you are free to buy and sell pictures of your feet, and you could make a lot of money.

Feet pics are one of the best things to sell on eBay for profit. Here is a list of points that can help you to understand why you would sell feet pictures on craigslist.

  • When selling your feet pictures, you’ll get a lot of money.
  • Selling your feet pictures is fun.
  • You can do what you want.
  • You can make a lot of money.
  • You can buy the things you need.
  • You can save money.
  • You can show off your feet.
  • You can be happy.
  • You can impress people.
  • You can get attention.
  • You can do something extraordinary.
  • Beautiful feet

You get paid –

As I mentioned before, selling your feet pics has many advantages.

Firstly, you get paid what you would have made if you were selling your work on stock photography sites.

Secondly, you could earn even more if you’re good at your craft!

It is one of the Amazing Side Hustles For Retirees To Make Money.

It’s fun!

– If you love taking pictures, you should consider selling feet pictures online.

It is one of the best ways to make money without a job as a teenager. You can find clients online who pay well for high-quality images.

Work anywhere –

Selling feet picture is a great way to make money and travel the world. You don’t have to worry about your income.

You can simply set up your business wherever you go and build a client base from anywhere.

Even it is impressive side hustle ideas for moms for side income.

Your skill level doesn’t matter –

If you’ve got talent, you’ll find plenty of clients willing to hire you no matter what kind of professional you are.

But selling feet pictures doesn’t require any unique skill level.

It requires only good quality feet pics, which you can soot from your mobile, or you can hire any professional to soot for you. So, it is a quiet skill-free game.

There will always be people willing to spend their hard-earned cash on your services, so regardless of whether you’ve been shooting for years or you’re brand new to the game, there will still be clients who want to buy your photos.

It’s flexible –

One of the best things about selling feet pics is that you can do it whenever you want. You can start any time and finish as late as you’d like.

No deadlines, no office hours, no commute… it’s all yours.

It gives you freedom –

A big problem with working for someone else is always rules and regulations.

For example, if you shoot models for a company, you may be restricted to using specific lighting, clothing, or props.

That won’t happen with feet picture selling work. You can choose your equipment and style of work.

Working for yourself means you can study in the morning and shoot afternoons and evenings, giving you more free time to enjoy your leisure pursuits.

It’s affordable –

While stock photography is excellent, it can get expensive. You might be charged upwards of £300 for a single photo.

However, for most freelance photographers, these prices aren’t realistic.

Instead, you can expect to charge between £10 and £50 for a single image. So, it costs less to freelance, and you can also earn a higher rate per image.

You can do it anywhere –

Let’s face it, we live in a digital age. We all carry our cameras with us everywhere.

If you are interested in selling your work, you can easily upload your portfolio straight onto websites like Fotolia, Shutterstock, iStockPhoto, and others without ever needing to leave your home.

Of course, you can always upload your work directly onto social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How to sell feet pictures online (safely) on craigslist?

There is one specific point that you can keep in mind to sell feet pics on craigslist.

Use watermark always-

I highly recommend using watermarks on your feet pictures to stop misuse. It only should be accessible when someone pays you for your feet views. having a watermark can help you to make more money, or it will make a kind of desire to buy it.

What are the other best platforms to sell feet pics online safely?

There is a massive list of apps and websites to sell feet pics online. But here, I will mention some of the names for you.

Here is a brief about how to sell feet pictures on social media.

Social media is an excellent option to find potential foot picture buyers.

You can find groups on social media where people love to see the product before buying it. You can start posting your feet pics on your profiles also.

There are many groups on Facebook. You can join them and start posting your pictures.

You can find any like-minded peoples group and make connections with them. This way, you will be able to generate more revenue for yourself.

Instagram is one of the best social media platforms. Almost everyone uses smartphones and Instagram nowadays.

You can imagine you have the potential to reach every smartphone.

So, create your account, write a good bio about yourself, like what you do, your age, profession, and expertise, and get clients from Instagram.

How To Make Money Selling Photos Online?


The easiest way to start making money is to use services like Fiverr. These websites allow you to create gigs based on your skill set.

So, if you have a knack for photography, you’ll be able to create gigs that involve taking pictures for people.

Once you’ve built up a sizeable following, you can always move to more lucrative gigs.

Start a feet pic selling blog-

Another option is to start a blog. Blogging is a great way to make money online because you can charge people money to contribute content to your site.

Of course, you’ll need to attract readers first and foremost, but once you have a steady stream of people visiting your blog each day, you can put ads on the side of your page.

This will help you get paid per click instead of relying on actual sales, making it less risky than other ways of monetizing your website.

How Do People Find My Website?

I’ve noticed that the majority of people who find my website end up coming from Instagram. I think that’s mainly because people follow me on Instagram and then look at my website. So, here’s what I recommend:

First, set up a profile on Instagram.

Both options are ideal for photographers who want to build a portfolio. However, if you’re just starting, you might consider using free stock photo websites to get your foot in the door.

Final thoughts on how to sell feet pics on craigslist

The first step to selling your feet is choosing the right picture to go along with them. An excellent way to do this would be to get some professional photos taken at a studio.

Alternatively, take candid foot shots if you can access a good camera phone. Take close-ups of your toes and ankles, and don’t forget about the soles!

Don’t think that only women should show their feet, men can show too!

As long as you look happy, confident, and not self-conscious, then you’ll look great.

Now I hope your query on How to sell feet pics on craigslist and doubts are clear.


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