Top 32 ways to get paid to give advice online-( $100/Hr )

Want to get paid to give advice online? You can sell your advice as an expert with a Blog, Youtube, Buile course, ebook, social media, and top 25+websites are there to sell your advice online.

Are you the kind of person who gives advice to everyone?

Are you the kind of person who shares his thoughts, opinion, and reviews for free?

Then how is it if you get paid for giving advice, and get paid to help others online? Well, there are many ways to make money online, and getting paid for your advice is one of them. Even you can get paid to walk also.

It doesn’t matter what topic you speak about the most. The thing which matters the most is answering questions and making money out of it. And you can start a consulting business also.

Have you ever thought that you can get paid to give advice online to others?

Doctors, engineers, or any consular where you book your appointment charge you some money to meet.

That is also paid advice. When everyone is charging some amount of money to tell you something why don’t you do so?

Even, you can get paid to give relationship advice online. Selling advice online isn’t hard these days.

People are making up to $25 just by advice-giving.

Advice giving jobs pays you a lot.

It can be a great side hustle for retirees to make money online. And you can get paid to give advice online on any field in which you are good.

You can give any kind of advice like-

You can get paid to give life advice

You can get paid to give advice online and answer questions online

You can get paid to give relationship advice online

You can get paid to give your opinion on products

You can get paid to give love advice

Now I hope you understand giving some advice can make you some extra cash for your pocket.

Giving someone advice doesn’t require any special skills and knowledge or degree.

To sell your advice you must be good at that particular thing. That’s it.

You can start this advice-giving job in any field.

Suppose if you are good at relationships then you can get paid to give relationship advice.

If you use new products often then you can get paid to give your opinion on products.

You can get paid to give advice online in any field like career advice, financial advice, relationship advice, study advice, course advice, parenting advice, advice on sports, child growth advice, fitness advice, and many more field like this.

It may be anything.

Presently everyone is seeking assistance and expert advice. This way you can sell your advice online.

Now the biggest question that comes to mind is-

What is get paid to give advice online mean?

It means you have some great knowledge or experience about something and people who are suffering from that problem, you give them clarity or solution. You tell people how to overcome anything in your field.

And giving good advice can help someone to be safe and sound. And it can be the best high-paying and genuine job for unmotivated people.

Here, you sell your advice and you get paid instead of that. But remember better advice can only make you some money.


How to give better advice?

To give, better advice requires only two things majorly.

Great knowledge about your field

And a good experience related to that field

And for that, you can choose any field.

I suggest you choose a field in which you are good at or you are practicing on. Here, you get paid to give your opinion. Basically, you work as a specialist.

And you can get paid to give advice.

Now one question is coming to my mind is-

Where to give advice and get paid to give advice?

Today’s problem, nobody wants to let their parents or family, or relatives know about it.

And they also don’t know where to best get advice. Presently, people are more confused to take advice.

They don’t want to reveal their problems to their relatives or person whom they know.

So, here comes some online platforms where you can get paid to give advice from anyone who is a specialist in this or has a good experience with it.

There are mainly six systems to get paid to give advice online.

Where to give advice-

1. Start a blog
2. Start a youtube channel
3. Become any consular

4. Use social media
5. Create your e-book or courses
6. Join any company or website
 (list of 30 websites )

It totally depends on you how would you like to start your advice-giving job? All 5 ways are legit and have huge potential to grow and scale.

Let’s talk one by one.

1. Start a blog-

If you the kind of person who has an interest in writing good and valuable content. Then why don’t you start your own advice-giving blog?

Start a blog-

  • What to do- Write a post
  • How to earn- By showing ads and affiliate marketing
  • Availability- Whole world ( where the internet is available )
  • How much can you earn?- Depends on efforts and hard work
  • Requirements- Phone/laptop, good internet connection, and knowledge

To start your blog you need only two things.

Buy a domain name and choose a good hosting platform and start writing your blog.

You can host your blog with a good hosting site.

Now the problem which appears is people don’t know how to start an advice column blog.

So, read our post on how to start a profitable blog now. Start your blog and make money out of it.


How to earn money with your advice-giving blog?

You can make a significant amount of money just by taking blogging as a side hustle. You can monetize your blog in two ways-

How to earn money from your blog-

  • Show ads on your blog
  • Affiliate marketing (Promote someone else products and get commission)

Just by showing an advertisement on your blog.

Or you can affiliate marketing where you promote someone else product and whenever you generate a sale you will get your commission on that.

This commission may be fixed or flexible.

2. Start a youtube channel-

Start a youtube channel-

  • What to do- Make videos
  • How to earn money?- With ads or affiliate marketing
  • How much can you earn? Depends on your hard work
  • Requirements- Phone, internet connection, and knowledge
  • Reach- Worldwide

Yes, youtube is the second most searched engine after google.

Presently, everyone prefers watching videos whenever they got stuck on something. And you can get paid to give advice through your youtube videos.

I suggest you make videos on any problem and give people advice on that.

How to make money on youtube videos?

Money-making methods on blogs and youtube channels are the same.

Either you can collaborate with any advertising company or you can create your own product and then promote it to your audience.

3. Become any consoler-


  • What you do- Advice people
  • What you need- Good knowledge about your field
  • How much you can earn- depends on your efforts
  • Availability- Limited/ Worldwide ( For that you need a website )

Yes, if you have any expertise then you can be any kind of counselor who can give expert advice. Here, you will get paid to give advice to people by counseling.

But to scale that business scale you will also need a website to acquire more clients in your space.

But these methods are slow but have the power to give you financial freedom.

Also, these methods may take time.

If you don’t have time and want to generate a passive income you should go with the website where that gives you an advice-giver job.

4. Use social media-

How would it be to get paid to give advice on social media?

As we know every social media platform is booming and has more potential to reach legit advice seekers.

get paid to give advice online on social media

You can also start your advising giving business via social media.


  • What to do- Get paid to give advice online
  • Reach- Global
  • Earnings- Depends on your reach and expertise

You can start your free account on any social media platform and start gathering clients and customers.

Write a good bio about your expertise and make more reach worldwide.

Everyone is using social media platforms today and here is a business opportunity for you.

5. Create your e-book or courses


  • What to do- Build an ebook or course and sell it
  • Earnings- Depends on your selling skills
  • Reach- Global Potential

If you really want some passive income out of your knowledge and skills.

Then you can write your ebook or create a course specifically addressing one field or problem.

This way you can make a passive income. There are many websites where you can host and sell your advising giving course like teachable, udemy, skillshare, etc.

Here, you can set your own best suitable price and get paid to give advice online.

If you don’t want to spend your time building or creating a column blog, youtube channel, social media, or ebook and courses then you must prefer the next way which is to work with websites and get paid to give advice online.

Well, there are many advice-givers online who preferred the sixth way to get started with their advice-giving carer.

6. Join any company or website (list of 30 websites )


  • What you need- Good grip on the field
  • Availability- worldwide( some are country-specific )
  • Earnings- Varies website to website

There are many apps and websites where you can get advice online for free. Here, is a list of the top 30 apps and websites where you can get paid to give your opinion.

Some of the websites are question-answer websites where people post questions about their problems.

And you can get to give advice and answer questions online.

You can also get paid to give advice over the phone. In this job, your advice pays you money.

Let’s start with the list-

Live Advice-

What you have to do- Give advice to people
How much can you make here?-
What is the availability of this website?- Globally

Live advice was founded in 1999 and it is completely safe and sound. Here, you can give real-time advice from anywhere.

Live advice is the place for you if you don’t want to start your own advising blog.

get paid to give advice on live advice

Live advice has empowered more than 35 million conversations till now.

On live advice, you can give personalized advice over the phone, chat or email 24/7, 365 days any time.

Which type of advice you can give on live advice?

Here, you can give advice in any field.

  • Relationship Coaching
  • Life advice
  • family coaching
  • Health and Fitness
  • Tech helps
  • Business
  • career advice
  • Dating advice
How does life advice work?

Life advice is a platform where you can get answers to any self-doubt or problem.

Life advice can help you to become your better version.

Life advisors are having experience and knowledge in your field. Live advice works basically in four steps.

Choose any advisor- In this step you need to choose any advisor as per your field. And for that, you can have a look at their reviews.

How they solve people’s problems. You can have a look at the advisor’s personality. Then take your time and decide

Get in touch- In this process, you need to get in touch with a live advisor via phone, chat, email, or video calling apps.

And you can sense the advisor whether he/she is having good knowledge or not. Either he/she able to solve your problem or not?

Experience it- Once you are satisfied with the live advisor now experience the approach that life advisors use to solve your problem.

Make sure you observe them properly and try to grab their thinking pattern and attitude towards looking at problems.

Enjoy it- It means now you have to take faith in yourself and your coach that everything will be right. And you will be better for yourself.


What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Profit sharing
Availability- Worldwide

Keen is also a great website to start your advising giving job.

Keen has been featured in Yahoo, Brit+co, women’s health, Bustle, and Refinery 29.

Here, they also offer their customer the first 3-minute free consultant call. Here, they also feature the advise givers on their home page.

Here, you can choose any category to give paid advice. Keen also has their android and ios app to work with.

On keen, you can provide advice on psychic reading, life questions, financial outlook, spiritual readings, life and relationship advice, tarot, and astrology advice.


What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $0.3 to $3/minute for calls
Availability- Worldwide

Bitwine is the top destination in the guidance field about love relationship advice and astrology advice.

Bitwine has a network of over 3000 advisors all around the world.

Bitwine provides you the facility to connect with those who are seeking advice via one-to-one call, chat, or phone call.

Here, you can the testimonials and reviews also.

How much you can earn from bitwine as a life advisor?

As an advisor, you can set your own rates for calls and chats. Usually, advisor prices are between $0.3 to $3 per minute call.

You can send money using PayPal which is the world’s largest platform to transfer and receive money.


What you have to do- Give advice via chat
How much you can make- You can set your own rates
Where a needle is available- Worldwide

The needle is the best place to earn some money just by chatting with people.

The needle is a managed live chat program where you need to chat as a representative of any brand.

Needle calls them advocates. If you are good at something then you must join needle to be a chat-operated person

Opinion Inn-

What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $1 to $100 ( It depends on the difficulty of the survey)
Availability- Worldwide

Opinion inn is the best way to give paid advice. What you need to do here is give your opinion or reviews on products.

Many companies almost every company today test their product before launching on some site to get feedback and make any assurance for success. And you can take benefits out of it.

If you create your account with an opinion you get a $10 bonus.

But for that, you must be 18 years old and have a valid email address. Having an email address in common.

So, why don’t you take advantage to earn some money just by creating an account and giving your opinion on different-different products?

Create your free account with opinion In and get a $10 bonus in your account.

Pioncoin research-

What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Cash Prizes and points ( depends on surveys )
Availability- Worldwide

This is another website where you can get paid to give advice on products.

Here, you have to test products and give feedback to the company whether you like it or not.

You have you give a details peace of advice why you like it why you don’t like it?

Or what improvement can be made in product to server community at great?

And you can make money out of it.

Experts 123-

What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $20 for each response
Availability- Worldwide

This is a great website where you can answer the question and get paid for it. This is the question-answer encyclopedia.

Where people post their questions to take expert answers on it.

Here, you can make $20 for each response once your answer is approved.

And you can withdraw your money via the world’s biggest platform used for money transfer and receiving which is PayPal.

Live person-

What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Profit sharing
Availability- Worldwide

A live person is a profit-sharing company where you answer people’s questions and get paid to answer.

Here, you can create a free account with a live person but you will have to wait because the live person will confirm your account.

Once your account is confirmed you will start receiving questions and make money out of it.

But I mentioned always you need to be an expert in any field.

The live person has an algorithm to find a perfect match for the question itself.

Just answer-

What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $25 for each answer
Availability- Worldwide

Just an answer can make you $25 to give one answer. yes, that’s not a joke.

If you have expertise in any field then there is no harm to make money out of it. Just answer has more than 20 million users worldwide.

Then there is a huge opportunity to make money giving someone advice or answers.

But to withdraw your money you will have to cross the $20 threshold to withdraw your money in your account.

Threshold means the minimum amount which has to be in your account or withdraw your existing money in just answer.

Just answer pay your money by giving advice to people via PayPal.


What to do- Give advice online
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $17/hour
Availability- Worldwide

Square pays you money for giving advice on an hourly basis, Here, you can make $17 per hour easily. Square is formerly known as Weebly.

It can be your great income source as a part-time job where you need to work 20 to 25 hours per week.

Here, you can answer people or give advice via your email also. This is a great alternative for square users.

Presto Experts-

On presto experts, you can hire an expert as a tutor. Here, you can give love and relationship advice or astrology and tarot advice.

To hire experts you need to choose a category and hire any advisor and enjoy. That’s it.


What to do- Give advice online/ write articles
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $15/ reply
Availability- Worldwide

If you are bored with talking calls and chats or giving advice to people but still want to help people online by giving them good advice.

Then askable is for you. Here, you can write an article on questions and problems and submit it.

It can earn money while you sleep completely passively.

And here, you can make $15 and can easily withdraw your money via Paypal.

Sitestaff chat-

What to do- Give advice online/ answer questions
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $10/hour
Availability- the USA only

Here, you also give answers to questions.

Site staff is also great to kick start your advice-giving career. Here, you can make $10 per hour.

But site staff has limited availability only within the USA.

Any advisor from outside can’t join this website but there are many more that you join no matter where are you from.

Site staff gives advice-giving jobs to hosting companies where you need to answer customers’ questions.

Psychic Center-

What to do- Give advice
Earning- $5/call
Cashback- 10% on your spendeing at leat $50
Availability- Worldwide

A psychic center is also great to stop getting paid to give advice online. Here, you can get paid to give advice on love and relationship, astrology, and tarot reading. Here, you can get 10% cashback if you spend at least $50 here. Here, people charge $5 for just 10 min of call. Here, you can set your own rates hourly base.

Some survey websites where you can take part in surveys and get paid for your advice.


What to do- Give advice online/ take surveys
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Deoendes on surveys and searched frequency
Availability- Worldwide

Swagbucks is not a survey site.

Here, you can shop, book a ticket, dine and do many more things.

Swagbucks has its own search engine where you search and you earn one 1 Swagbucks for each search which is the easiest.

And you can redeem your Swagbucks points for gift cards.

Inbox dollars-

What to -Give your opinion
Earnings- Depends on your surveys
Availability- Worldwide
Extra bonus- $5 for signup

Inbox dollar is also a survey site where you can get paid to give your advice on products and small-small surveys.

If you sign up for the first time you will get $5 as a bonus. Here, you can also earn money from your online activity.

Google opinion rewards-

Google opinion rewards pay to share your opinion. Here, you get paid to give advice on products.

Here you need to take quick and short surveys and you will get paid some rewards.

This program was created by Google itself.

Life points-

What to do- Give advice online/ take surveys
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Globally
Availability- Worldwide

Whenever you take part in any survey in life points you can some money and rewards.

And for that, you need to be only 14 years old. You can redeem your life points via PayPal.

This website has global availability.

Survey junky-

What to do- Give advice online/ take surveys
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- $10 for each survey
Availability- Worldwide

here, you also take part in surveys and make $10 for each survey.

Survey junky has a global presence. You can work in your home with your own work routine.

Survey junky will give you some short surveys about any particular product and you will have to fill that and make money.

And you can redeem your points using PayPal directly to your bank account.

Product testing-

What to do- Give advice online/ Test products
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Depends
Availability- the USA only

Here, you need to test the product.

Here, you get free products and get $100 for each test.

They also offer some points and shopping and dinner option. But this is exclusively available in the USA only.


Helpowle can find a good advisor for you for any field and problem. Here, your income depends on your expertise.

What to do- Give advice online/ answer people
Requirements- Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Depends
Availability- Global

Here, you need to give answers to people to earn money. Here, you earn points just by giving some answers.

And you can redeem your points for shopping, dining, movie ticket, and for traveling.

My Lot-

What to do– Give advice online/ submit an article/ submit answers in forum discussion
Requirements– Expertise and good knowledge of the field
Earnings- Depends on your skills and knowledge( expertise )
Availability- Worldwide

Here, you give answers to those who ask questions in forum discussions. Here you can join any discussion board easily and earn some money. This platform is worldwide available.

Web Question Answer-

Web question-answer enables you to write answers and get paid to give online advice.

But to earn from web question answers you need to have an approved advertising account.

And the total revenue will go directly to your ads account. Here, you are 100% owner of your revenue.

But before that, you need t register yourself with a web question answer with a unique id.


KGB was founded in 1992 and from now they understand that change is constant.

So, they provide directory assistance jobs. KGB is the world’s largest assistant provider.

But KGB only operated in the united states. And they pay almost $0.1 per answer.

Out Plex-

Put plex is dedicated to providing you with an advice-giving job where you need to solve customers’ problems.

And out plex will pay you $14 per hour.

But this is dedicated only to the USA only.

And for that, you need to have great communication skills and good typing skills with 95% accuracy.


Maven provides you micro consultation jobs where you get paid to give advice or consult online via phone, text, or chat. But this website requires you to be a permanent citizen of unites states.

So, these are the best websites where you can give your advice online and can get paid for your advice easily.

How much can we earn from giving advice online?

Well, there is no fixed income for that. But you have full freedom to decide your own charges.

You can charge $10 to $100 for one hour call or for one piece of advice only. It depends on your skills and expertise in your field.

If you are doing great in your field then you can earn even more from it. So, boost your skills, experience, and expertise in your field and get paid to give advice online.

Now another question is-

How to receive your money for your advice?

Well, there are many digital facilities available on the web to receive your payments like Paypal.

You can simply create your Paypal account online and connect your bank account with it. And this way it will be easier for you.

You can choose anyway and you can receive your money directly to your bank account. It is very simple and easy to use.

How to give advice to someone?

You can choose any kind of platform on your own. you can give advice online. you can do advice chat on messaging apps.

This job will give you satisfaction because here you get paid to help others online.

Or you can create your own method to contact people. You can also use social media to promote your advice-giving job.

I hope everyone understands what it means for giving advice.

My recommendation is to get paid to give advice.

Presently everyone has a following on social media but how many you are connected with?

I think with 10 or 20 maximum. Everyone got stuck on something sometime it may be a career choice, job choice, family and relationship, and many more.

Everyone looks for someone who can help them to decide what is good or bad for them.

People want to confirm whether they are going in the right direction or not. And most people prefer to ask someone who is doing well in the field.

So, there is a big or bigger opportunity in life to get paid to give advice if you are good at something.

In my view, if you have knowledge then why don’t you share it with people and make money out of it?

People are ready to pay for who is guiding them. So, I think you should start your advice-giving job to help someone to be better and better.


So, at last, you can decide for yourself whether you want to do this or not.

In this field, your income may not be very higher but you can earn some decent money as a side hustle.

If you are not a shy type of person, or who loves to speak, share/her thoughts often then go out and get paid to advise online to the whole world.

Some frequently asked questions about getting paid to give advice online-

Can I get paid to give relationship advice online?

It’s 100% possible. There are many people who look to take advice before they do anything. People also seek business advice and relationship advice.
So, they pay $10 to $20 on average for their advice. So, you can easily get paid for your advice online.

Is there any legitimate way to make money online?

Yes, there are many legitimate ways to make money online like blogging, affiliate marketing, course selling, translating, and many more. And giving advice is also a legit way to make money online.

How can I make money by helping others online?

If you are good at something then you can give advice about that to people.
And for each piece of advice, you can decide your advice-giving charges per minute or hour base. For one piece of advice, you can earn up to $100 easily.

Is there any way to make money online without paying anything?

Yes, there are many ways to make money online without paying anything. And giving advice is one of them. You can get paid for your advice.

Where can I get paid to talk to people?

Well, there are sites like Live advice, keen where you can give advice to people. So, this way you can get paid to talk to people.

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