Easy way to get paid to be an online friend- ($50 per hour)

Are you a mingling kind of person?

Do you love to meet new people, make new friends?

Then why don’t you choose it as a side hustle to make some extra money for yourself?

Yes, you can get paid to be an online friend where people will pay you for the time you spend with them.

Generally, it has been seen that our parents deny us to meet or talk to strangers but don’t you know you can make money out of it.

Yes, here comes online virtual friends jobs in roles.

Here, you get paid to hang out with guys. And you will be getting paid online approx $20 to $50 per hour.

Here, you can charge per hour easily. Some websites decide your price at first while others give you the freedom to decide your rate.

And here, you can make $50 to $100 per hour depending upon your skills and abilities.

Presently this is quite a trend to hire online friends.

As per the survey people who are kind of an introvert, businessmen, or busy schedule people gives more preference to this job.

But you might have heard it the first time that you can get paid to be someone’s online friend.

And you might have many doubts in your mind like –

What is mean to get paid to be an online friend?

Why anyone will pay you for your companionship?

How to become an online virtual friend?

What kind of activity do you have to do as a paid online friend?

How to get paid to be an online friend?

How much you can earn to be an online friend?

Where can you find this online friendship job?

Is it safe to get paid to be an online friend? ( some safety tips for you )

Pros and cons of becoming and getting paid to be an online friend?

My recommendation on getting paid to be an online friend?

What are some great tips to boost your income as an online friend?


What is actually mean get paid to be an online friend?

Being online friends means someone will hire you to talk, call or to meet. And you charge them per minute or hourly basis.

This is completely virtual and online. Here, someone pays for your companionship.

It may be male or female. You spend some time with them and get paid in view of your presence with them.

Why anyone will pay you for your companionship?

Well, this is the most asked question where you might have a doubt why anyone will pay for your companionship?

So, the answer is very simple that many people are kind of introverted. They are shy when it comes to talking with people.

So, many people take it as any professional course to improve their personality, communication skills.

Apart from that many people are like those who are suffering from loneliness. They take it as the best way to make friends.

Some people when they went on any trip then they talk to an online friend from that particular country to take a piece of information.

Many people who are suffering from depression or stress take it as medicine.

Many business people don’t have many friends then they talk to online friends for mood freshness.

Presently, many marketing companies also talk to online friends to take online friends’ reviews about their products.

They behave to online friends from a customer perspective and they treat them likely.

How to become an online virtual friend?

Now up to here, it is clear that being an online friend and making money is completely fair.

But how can we become online friends?

So, the answer is some many apps and websites exist where you can find jobs as an online friend.

Becoming an online friend include the following steps-

Register your self-

First, you need to register yourself as an online friend on any apps or website where people find people to talk to.

This process is simply just to put your email address and sign up as a friend. After signing up-

Write a good bio-

Writing your bio will define what kind of people are going to talk with you.

I hardly suggest you write about your habits, skills and educational qualification and things in which you are interested.

It will help you to find like-minded people. People will read your bio first and then they will hire you to talk.

Define your rates/ charges-

After that, you need to decide your pricing rates how much are you going to charge to talk as an online friend.

Some websites give you complete freedom to decide while some websites have their standers rates hourly basis or min basis.

Add your payment details-

This is the last step where you need to add your card details or bank details so that you can get your money directly to your bank account.

This is a very crucial step so add your details carefully.

What kind of activity do you have to do to get paid to be online friend?

There are many activities which you will have to do. Here, is a list out of that.

virtual friend activity as friendpc reviews
virtual friend activity as friendpc reviews

How to get paid to be an online friend?

While you register yourself as an online friend then the website or marketplace will ask for your payment details.

And every time you will interact with somebody they will make payment directly to your bank account via that marketplace. So, there is a completely safe and secure method to receive your payments.

How much you can get paid to be an online friend?

Well, some websites give you the freedom to fix your rates while some of them have pre-decide rates which you will get.

But as rough ideas, you will make $10 to $20 per hour.

It can be extended also which depends on your skills and abilities to represent yourself as a friend.

Where can you find this online friendship job?

There are many websites that provide you with jobs as an online friend.

Here, I listed one of the top websites where you can find jobs as an online friend. These websites are legit and safe.


rent a friend website to get paid as a online friend
rent a friend website to get paid as an online friend

This is a legit website where you can hire people or people can hire you as an online friend.

Rent a friend has friends around the globe to hire. Here, you can find friends just by entering your location and it will show the list of online friends.

It also gives you a filter facility where you can choose online friends as per their gender, location, nationality, age, and color, language, etc.

Presently rent a friend has a database of over 600,000 online friends around the globe.

Here, are the activity for which people hire online friends.

activity which you have to do as an online frined
activity which you have to do as an online friend

Read our Detailed review on rent a friend websites to know more in-depth.

Rent local friends

This is also a connecting website for people around the world. You can also get hired here as well.

It also has a global community and friends around the world. Here, people also find local friends for local sightseeing, local area visiting and for a friend with locality can help them to avoid any dangerous situation.

Here, you need to register yourself and post a forum to find online virtual friends. Here, you can find friends and B2B partners as well.

Rent a local friend is available in 325 cities and 1093 partners worldwide.

So, you can have an idea of its authentication of providing online friend services.

Friend PC

This is another great option to register yourself as a virtual friend. Here, you can have a real experience of a friend than real ones.

Many people hire friends from friend pc for phone, video calls, and to play online games and parties.

Here, you can find any virtual friends among hundreds.

Here, you can also get featured on their websites.

Many featured friends earn $10 to $30 online through this platform. Here, you can get paid immediately.

Rent a cyber friend

Rent a cyber friend is a social platform having necessary updates with today’s digital world.

This website gives you wings for real connection. This is private and secure.

This website has made connection easier. Here, you can find people as per their interests and skills.

Here, you can make video calls, phone calls with your online friends. And here is an opportunity for you to get paid as an online friend.

Is it safe to get paid to be an online friend? ( some safety tips for you )

Yes, it is completely safe and sound to get paid to be an online friend. People charge $10 to $30 per call or as an online virtual friend.

These are not dating sites. These platforms are the social platforms where you can talk or call local authentic people around the globe.

So, there is no doubt about their services and the authentication of being an online friend.

Pros and cons about get paid to become an online friend?

It’s quite normal that every coin has it’s flip side. In the same way being online friends has some pros and cons.


You can pursue this job as a side hustle. There is no work hour barrier. You can do it whenever you want to work and from where ever you want to work.

In our normal lives we talk to many people then how’s it if talking with other we make some extra cash.

Every platform is simple and easy to use, safe and secure. This job can make your whole world’s friends.

And you will not know but whenever you will talk to someone your personality will be more defined and your communication ability will improve.

You will yourself more confident to talk someone strangers. And yes, the income potential is there.


Sometimes it may happen that you will have an arrogant kind of personality as your virtual friend.

And that can ruin your day. But remember everyone is not the same.

Some time will have to interact with someone who will be in depression and your suggestions can help them out of their situation.

Sometimes it may happen that your other side friend will be having nasty feelings and you might feel embarrassed.

But you always have an option t cut the call. You can report about that kind of person.

My personal recommendation about get paid to be an online friend?

Being an online marketer or blogger I always prefer the methods to start an online business or side hustle.

And to get paid as an online friend can be a great side hustle for working moms, single moms, college students, and every age group of people.

It is the best way to explore and to know about people, their thinking. And there is no harm to get some extra money in your pocket working from home.

I suggest you if you have some spare time apart from your most important things then why don’t you make some extra dollars just by talking or being a friend.

This way you will come to know about other cultures, traditions and peoples mindset about their lives.

It will give you a different perspective to look at your life. And definitely, it will improve your financial situation as well.

So, my final call is to go out with the world and make the whole world your friend and make a great income out of being worlds or people’s friends.

What are some great tips to boost your income as an online friend?

As you know this job is all about talking and meeting with strangers.

Then I have some personal tips to boost your income as an online friend which are as follows.

Communication skills-

Many of the times your dealing style with other people define whether your work is going to be done or not.

So, improve your communication skills. It will impress your friends and there are higher chances to get complimentary tips for you.

If possible you can make sure your body gesture is about to welcome.

And it will be beneficial for you in your personal life as well.

Dressing and personal grooming-

Today nobody likes who is not dressed properly. It’s human nature we get attracted to some who is well dressed.

So, dress always in a good and friendly manner. OS, that your friends will be more interested in talking with you.

As much they will talk to you, you will make more money.

And for that what you can do is dress properly, groom yourself as you are going to meet the president of your country.

And for that take a proper shower, wear clean clothes, brush yourself properly, and if you can afford to apply some decent and sweet perfumes.

It will give you self-confidence and a good feeling inside.

Be on time-

Nobody likes latecomers.

So, whenever you are going to meet your online friend make sure you are on time.

It is good if you are before your time. It will give you a different but rememberable impression of your personality.

Be friendly-

While meeting or talking make sure you are friendly( open heart ) with your friends. It will benefit you in the second run.

It means the same person will hire you again and again.

Treat people as people not income source-

Some time what happens is we treat the person as a source of something. If possible try to make feel them special for them.

Whenever you treat anyone as special to me they will never forget you.

And your behavior may put some extra cash in your pocket.

Be healpfull always-

It’s not about your side hustle but your personal life as well. Respect your job then your job will respect you.

When you will help your online friends with authentic guides and things then they will pay you more.

My final words on get paid to be an online friend-

Let’s summarize get paid to be an online friend- There is no harm in making some cents with talking strangers.

It is a flexible job where you can earn $10 t $30 and it can be up to $50 to $100. Here, you make more cash just by having some qualities in your personality.

So, define and work on your personality like communication skills, and nature. There is no work hour barrier and it best side hustle for single working moms, students.

You can do this job from where ever you want. yes, there are some pros and cons but the same exists in our daily life as well.

Then do we leave our life to live? No, we face challenges and win the situation. The same rules apply in this job also.

If you face any difficulty or embracement moments then don’t run face it and win it. That’s how life works and you can make more cash.

But this kind of situation happens very rarely. So, don’t be afraid of anything, go out and make the whole world your friend and get paid to be an online friend and make some income parallel.

Is it easy to get paid to be an online friend?

Well, today in this modern and fast forwarding world people don’t have time to make friends.
Then they hire people to spend time with them. Here, comes the role of online virtual friend.
And to get paid to be an online friend is easy because any member who hires you make payment first.
So, there is no worries about getting paid as an online friend.

Is it legit or scam get paid to be an online friend?

There is no scam in this. If someone books you as a virtual friend then he pays you before spending your time with them.
So, it is complelty safe and legit. There is no scam in to get paid as an online virtual friend.


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