Virtual friendship- Is it safe or a scam? Friendpc reviews

As we know we are living in the infotainment era where there are so many options available for information.

In the same way, is there an option for making money online? some of them are hard while some are very easy to perform.

Renting a friend’s job is one of the easy ways to get paid up to $50/hour to be someone’s online friend.

There are many friend-making sites, and friendpc is one of them. Here is friendpc reviews.

But before moving ahead let me clarify one thing what virtual friends mean.

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What is a virtual friend?

Virtual friend means someone will hire you through an online friend site, and you get paid to text chat, video call, or do any activity.

Friend PC provides the facility to find free online friends. And you will get paid to be someone’s friend.

These virtual friends talk to those who hire them via text or video call. No experience is needed for that. This is entirely virtual.

I suggest you read the easy way to get paid to be an online friend, which covers many tips and tricks to boost your income as an online virtual friend.

Now the question is

Why does someone hire virtual friends?

So, the answer is quite simple. Sometimes people who move to a new place may hire a friend to be familiar with the locality and people.

They may hire for sightseeing, picnics, movies, parties, and dining.

Sometimes busy scheduled people don’t have anyone to listen to them and go out with them then they hire online virtual friends to talk to.

Here, is the list of some of those activities you will have to perform as a virtual friend.

  1. Baking/cooking, photography
  2. Snowboarding, Going to the park
  3. Wine tasting, Comedy Club
  4. Going to bar, Hanging Out
  5. Bowling, Clubbing
  6. Music, Hiking, Travel, picnics, parties
  7. Dinner, shopping, tutoring, sightseeing

There are places where you can hire full family or family members for a time phase.

Now I hope you understand what being a virtual friend means is what and what the purpose of people hiring friends online.

Let’s talk about one of the best online friend sites which is friendpc.

Let’s start the friendpc reviews.

In our friendpc reviews series, first of all, understand-

What is friendpc?

Friendpc is a friend-finding website where you can hire people for their online companionship.

These people are just like desktop friends because they are limited to your computer only.

friendpc reviews- friendpc website homepage

Friendpc helps you to make friends across the world. Friendpc is a social platform for finding friends.

This is not a dating site. Friendpc provides you with life coach services, virtual gamers, virtual girlfriends, and virtual friends.

Here, you can search for an online friend for free using filters like gender, city, and age. You can join the friendpc platform completely free of cost.

Friendpc provides two kinds of accounts to register.

Member Account-

This member account gives you the ability to find virtual friends.

This account is for those only who want to hire someone as a virtual friend. This account is completely free of cost to join.

Virtual friend account-

Virtual friends account registration is free. But for more listings, you will have to pay a low amount.

And charges rates are $5 if you want to post 5 listings for any event and meetup.

Profile creation is completely free for virtual friends is free.

With a free account, you can see or post a listing.

And $10 is for your service coupon creation and getting featured on the friendpc website.

Now let’s move towards friendpc workflow-

How does friendpc work?

Friendpc is a platonic website to book online virtual friends and for friendship purposes only.

This is not a dating site or escort agency. Here, people are making income out of their skills as online mentors, life coaches, or virtual friends.

First, of all what you need to do is find anyone as per your skills and habits or interest and book them for a phone call, video call, or text chat for a preset fee.

It doesn’t matter where you live or what you do. All you have to do is find people, book them, and talk to them. It can be one of the best high-paying and genuine jobs for unmotivated people.

But before that, you need to register yourself as a friendpc member then only you can contact any of the virtual friends. Friendpc works in three steps-

Find a friend-

Friendpc is having thousands of virtual friends across the globe who can be your game partner, life coach, mentor, or virtual girlfriend.

Choose anyone as in your interest. These virtual friends give a unique experience of virtual friendship.

Book a virtual friend-

After finding someone perfect for you as a virtual friend, send your friendship request to them for a call or chat or to meet.

You can spend your quality time with them.


This is the last step of the friendpc workflow. Spend your time with virtual friends and experience virtual friendships that you never had before.

Why should you choose friendpc to become a virtual friend?

Well, there are many friend-making sites but friendpc also has a separate fan base, and the option it provides you makes your job easy.

It is one of the great ways to make money online without a job as a teenager.

Here, are some key points which can make you understand it very easily.

Work with your own schedule and price rate-

Friendpc allows you to set your working hours and charges. Here, you do work on your holidays and weekends.

There is no work hour barrier.

It can be an impressive side hustle for single moms and college students.

Offer any kind of service-

It means as a virtual friend you can offer any service to your partner. And you have the freedom to charge them on your own.

Communication preference-

Yes, you can decide your preferred language to communicate. There is no mandatory language to learn.

You can do your hustle in your local language as well.

Gives you more identity-

Friendpc also features members who are doing great as virtual friends.

So, this filter gives you wings to find the best available virtual friend.

friendpc reviews- friendpc featured virtual friend showing

This way you become well known to the world and your earning potential also expands as well.

Get paid immediately-

Friendpc always pays you as soon as you finish your booking as a virtual friend.

After completing your booking you can withdraw your money same time.

Go to your dashboard and withdraw your money. You don’t have to wait until month-end.

Join the community-

You can join a friendpc family to get notified of any booking.

Filter facility-

Friendpc is one of the best friend-making websites where you can find an online friend based on your locality.

Here, you can browse virtual friends as per their category and city. This option helps you to find the best people as your virtual friends.

Here, you can find virtual friends who belong to your city.

It is beneficial for the people who moved to a new place to want someone from that particular city.

Knowledge base-

Friendpc also gives you support to boost your income with the help of their blog post.

You can learn from a friendpc knowledge base to give your business wings.

Here, you can learn about your dashboard, how to meet, how to take bookings or cancel them, your payment status, and many more tips and tricks to boost your earnings.

24/7 support system-

Friendpc assists its members and virtual friends with 24/7 customer support. Friendpc is always ready to help you in any situation.

How to register yourself as a virtual friend on friendpc?

First, of all, you need to visit the friendpc website.

Then scroll down and click on Become a virtual friend. Then the page will pop up and then click on join us today.

It will lead you to the sign-in page where you need to put your email ID and password.

It will send you a confirmation link to confirm your email ID. Or you can log in with your Facebook ID as well.

After email confirmation, your account is activated. Now add your card details in which you would like to receive payment and that’s it.

What services you can offer on the friendpc website?

As we already discussed anyone can hire you as per their interest. But as a part of friendpc reviews, it becomes necessary to have a look at what services you can do as a virtual friend.

But if you don’t have any special skills to share some then also you can share your time for phone calls, video calls, text chats, and verbal meetings where you spend your time with friendpc members.

Here are some services that people offer as online virtual friends.

Virtual friends services

  • Introduce you to people
  • Baking/cooking
  • Phone friend
  • Dinner
  • Arcade
  • Biking
  • Beach
  • Skiing
  • Parties
  • Photography
  • Playing sports
  • Travel
  • Music
  • Hiking
  • Going to bar
  • Family function
  • Workout partner


  • Going to park
  • Meet friends
  • Giving tours
  • Sightseeing
  • Museums
  • Teaching manners
  • Poetry/Art?drawing
  • Friends with seniors
  • Friends with disabled
  • Tutoring
  • Hanging out
  • Clubbing
  • Bowling
  • Picnics
  • Outdoor events
  • Comedy clubs
  • Wine tasting

Apart from that, you have the liberty to share your additional services like mentoring people, coaching people, or any modified services you want to share with people.

How much can you earn as an online virtual friend on the website?

Well, there is no fixed pricing list for virtual friends. Friendpc allows you to decide your price rates.

But broadly people are making $10 to $30 per booking.

But you can boost your earnings on friendpc because that also provides you knowledge base support to increase your personality and skills.

Some featured virtual friends are making $100 to $1000 per booking.

But as an example normally virtual friends are charged $10 to $30 per booking.

And if you take a chat with a client in a separate chatroom as a part-time job you decide on $10 per video call. Then let’s calculate your estimated earnings-

Hour/day ( part-time)Rates/hourTotal earning (part-time)Monthly incomeYearly income
5hr/day $10 $50/day$1500/month$18000/year

Now let’s suppose you do it as a full-time career

Hour/dayRates/hourTotal earning/dayMonthly incomeYearly income
10hr$20 ( price hike)$200/day$6000/month$72000/year

Now you can take an idea about earning potential from friendpc reviews.

You can also check out our detailed post on rent a friend which is also a great option to find online friends.

How friendpc member will contact me as a virtual friend?

A registered member who will purchase your listing only will be allowed to contact you through phone calls or text messaging via the friendpc website.

You can also give preference to how members will contact you directly. But the first members will have to purchase your listing.

How will I get paid from the friendpc website?

As soon as any member purchases your listing your total earnings will show up in your earning dashboard.

And you can withdraw that money directly to your bank account. This is a completely safe and secure method.

What is some other option to become virtual friends?

Many social platforms provide virtual friendship services where you get paid to be someone’s friend for your online companionship.

You can also make easy money being a friend on the rent a friend website.

Here, I listed some of the top friend-making sites where you can find this job.

  1. Rent a friend
  2. Fiverr
  3. Freelancer
  4. Cyberfriend
  5. Rent a local friend

My recommendation on friendpc reviews?

Whether you want to take virtual friendship as a side hustle is completely your decision.

But here as an online marketer, I am sharing my opinion with you on friendpc.

There are many ways to make money online like blogging, affiliate marketing, and many others but all these ways require a lot more energy, effort, time,e and some kind of knowledge.

Read our post on How to start a profitable blog now.

But virtual friendship doesn’t require any special knowledge, or skills to start your side hustle career.

It can be a great side hustle for working and single moms. And this job is quite interesting also.

Every time you meet someone different and special to you. Here, with the entertainment you earn money.

And it is a completely safe and legit way to put some extra cash in your pocket. In my research, I found friendpc completely safe, sound, and secure for you.

You can start with friendpc without any hesitation and skills.

But at last, I suggest you take some time and decide for yourself whether you want to do it or not.

There is no pressure on you to join friendpc based on our guide. Our post is for your information purpose.

We just put all the information together so that it would be easier for you to understand every point about the website.

As we know due to heavy users of the internet there are opportunities to make money online.

And this is also an opportunity to be financially stable to put some extra cash in your pocket. And your friendpc job can be the best source of nice supplementary income.

Here, you just need to sign up activate your profile, and write a good bio about your skills, habits, and things in which you are interested.

And get hired and make money with every booking. That was our friendpc review. To know more about friendpc you can also browse friendpc reviews on Reddit/friends Reddit.

That was my final word on friendpc reviews.

I hope our friendpc reviews will help you to understand about website.

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Some frequently asked questions-

Can you get paid to be a friend?

Yes, you can get paid to be a friend. You need to do messages, voice chat, video chat, and virtual meetings as a friend online.

Is Friend PC a dating site?

Not at all. only provides virtual friendship services. This is a platonic social platform for virtual friends. You can trust our friendpc reviews.

How to find a virtual friend on the website?

If you are a member of the friendpc website then go for a browse and find virtual friends. Here, you also have the facility to filter people as per their location and cities.

Is there any friend pc app?

Not now the Friendpc website doesn’t have any app till now. But it may happen that they soon launch their app so that virtual friendship will be easier to take as a job.

Is it safe to meet new people via

Well, it’s not very easy to say that meeting with someone who is a stranger to you will be safe but yes, you can make it safe.
Here are the points- Don’t tell anyone where you live or where you do your job.
You can meet in any social/public place.
Be confident about what you are doing.
And don’t reveal you’re true identity unless you have a trustable relationship with the person. You can also check our friendpc reviews for more guidance.

What things do you need to have to become great at a virtual friend?

It doesn’t require any special skills to be good at virtual friendship. But some things you need to have like a phone or laptop with a good internet connection and a good personality to engage with potential members. I recommend you to read friendpc reviews carefully.

Are these friendpc reviews correct?

These friendpc reviews are correct as per our knowledge till now. But if you find any mistake then please contact us. We will be glad to hear from you.

How do I get paid for virtual friends?

There are many methods to get paid easily. First, you can get paid to be a virtual friend and can withdraw your money via Paypal. Or you can be paid to directly your bank account. You can also prefer physical money. You can check out friendpc reviews.

Can you get paid to be a friend?

100%, yes. There are legit websites in the market like Rent a friend, Friend PC, rent a Local, and many more where you can get paid to be an online friend. There is a site friendpc where you will get paid to be an online friend. Check out our friendpc reviews.

What’s a virtual companion?

Virtual companion means you interact with someone online as a friend via text, video call, or normal phone call. This is like a virtual meeting of people where you get paid on an hourly base.


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